
Choose your Baroudeur stay!

Stay in Mont Ventoux

Set out to conquer a legendary Tour de France pass in the heart of Provence.
50 to 60km per day
+ 4-5,000 m
  1. Hotel Accommodation
  2. Half-Board: Including breakfast and a post-ride snack
  3. Refreshments provided before and during rides (water, fruits, savory snacks, and energy)
  4. Advice and Reservations for dinners in local restaurants
  5. Guided Support: Accompanied by a certified guide
  6. Vehicle Assistance during rides for added safety and comfort (depending on the number of participants)
  7. Tailored Itineraries suitable for all levels
  8. Baroudeur Cycling Outfit included
  9. Evening Laundry Service depending on accommodation location
  10. GPX Files for navigation and future use
  11. 5-Star Service

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