Legal Notice

Intellectual Property

The content of this site, including but not limited to texts, images, graphics, logos, and animations, is protected by intellectual property laws. Unless otherwise stated, these elements are the exclusive property of Baroudeur Cycling. Any reproduction, use, or adaptation of any part of these elements without the written authorization of Baroudeur Cycling is considered an infringement punishable by law.

Personal Data

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are committed to protecting the personal data we collect. During data collection, we inform users of the purpose of this collection and obtain their consent. Users have the right to access, rectify, and delete their data. To exercise these rights, please contact Jérôme Cousin at 5 route des Dodinières, 44640 Le Pellerin, phone number: +33 7 72 50 70 55, or by email at

Publication Director


Website Creation

Mélie Chapin

Photo and Video Credits

Baroudeur Cycling


This site is hosted by Ionos, with its headquarters located at 7 Place de la Gare, 57200 Sarreguemines, phone number: 09 70 80 89 11.


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This site may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these sites.


For any questions or requests regarding this site, please contact us at 5 route des Dodinières, 44640 Le Pellerin, phone number: +33 7 72 50 70 55, or by email at

Additional Information

Commercial registration number: 948 241 575 R.C.C Nantes
VAT number: FR14948241575
Terms and conditions of sale: CGV
For regulated activities: Reference to professional rules, professional title, granting state, name of the order, or professional organization.